
Industry experts suggest that VOCs governance should be implemented with precision and coordinated promotion

At the recent National Symposium on Deep Control Technology and Facility Safety Control of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Chemical Industry held in Zibo, Shandong, China, industry experts and enterprise representatives believed that the control strategy of VOCs in the chemical industry should be coordinated from three aspects: source reduction, process control, and end treatment, with precise implementation to achieve comprehensive emission reduction.

China's VOCs governance still faces problems such as insufficient source control efforts, prominent issues of unorganized emissions, simple and inefficient pollution control facilities, non-standard operation management, and inadequate monitoring and control. "Li Xiaoping, Deputy Secretary General of the China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Environmental Protection, said that the petrochemical industry has a large total amount of VOCs emissions, complex and diverse components, variable emission conditions, and many complex problems that need to be solved urgently. Industry enterprises want to achieve green development, We need to accelerate the pace of rectification and fully utilize advanced technology to provide feasible governance plans.

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